Become An Official

How to Become an Official
Becoming an official involves several steps, with different processes for returning and new officials. To assist everyone, the Wisconsin Hockey Officials Association has created a clear registration instruction page on its website. We strongly recommend that ALL officials review this material before starting their registration. Access the instructions here.
Seminars are a key part of the registration process. Level 2, 3, and 4 officials should be aware that you have seven (7) days after completing your seminar (online or in person) to finish your modified Closed Book Exam. Please plan your seminar attendance carefully to ensure a smooth registration process. To view a list of seminars, click on our seminar page link.
This year participants will register for their seminar using the WHOA seminar registration system. You can register for your WHOA/USA Hockey seminar linked here.
*Please remember you must register with USA Hockey as an official 24 hours prior to registering for your seminar. USA Hockey official's registration can be done at:
A list of currently scheduled seminars can be found at:
Direct questions to Ref Coordinator, Lyndsey Riese:
Basic Registration Steps:
- Register and pay your USA Hockey fee. You must complete this step first: Register here.
- Wait 24 hours for USA Hockey to transmit your data to WHOA.
- Register with WHOA and select your seminar. To register with WHOA and select your seminar, click here. *Must be 12 years old to register for seminar.
- At the conclusion of your seminar, you will be given instructions on registering in USA Hockey Courses. Courses registration verifies your seminar attendance and provides access to your closed book exam (Levels 2-4 only)
Click complete registration steps to be taken to a detailed instruction page including direct links for steps 1 & 4 above.